

Today we started our vacation. So far it has included Waffle House, taking mirror pictures in the hotel room, a bridge, & seeing tiny bit of Baylor University.


Occupy: Empty Drawer

Our cat, Pooh, seems to think that he has the right to make himself cozy when a drawer is open. Have I mentioned that he's spoiled?


I love...

days when we get to spend hours lying around the house while watching the Olympics.




my little sister made & served me lunch.
my older sister took me out for impromptu sno cones.

I'm pretty blessed to have them for sisters. <3


First time...

- to eat (boxed!) mac & cheese made in the microwave.
- to get a bite on the chin from this cutie.
- to eat a cherry + lime sno cones.



It's safe to say that I laughed out loud at each of these. Does that make me nerdy? Oh well.

ps - My absence the last four days was not a result of death or anything like that, at least not physically.


I know

Ok, I KNOW I have an addiction to sno cones. You don't need to tell me. In my defense, I wanted this sno cone last week.

That's not a very good defense, is it?



30. That's how many CTFxC vlogs I've watched today.


Don't worry though, I DID leave the house for prayer & a sno cone. Remember when our friend went to Oxford + London? SHE'S BACK! So we had sno cones with them & chatted about her trip. She brought me back Prince William + Catherine postcards and a plate. So sweet. (:



Sometimes you do things you never really expected. Like today, I cleaned leaves off the top of our church building, which involved climbing up a ridiculously tall ladder.

Oh, & my dog is a psycho. (:


Looking back

Today involved a lot of looking back. We spent a couple hours driving around surrounding towns, highlighting the different homes and schools my dad & aunt lived in & went to way back when.

The sunset looked like cotton candy.

& my mom has the best cooking.


Can't go wrong with a blue sky

It's true. Everything could be awful, except for a blue sky. Today I had Chick-Fil-A (yes, again, what's your point?), went to IKEA with my cousin (he's back in town), and worshiped at a church with a couple hundred people.

Today rocked.


Jar of Hearts

Chick-Fil-A, the library, the sno cone stand, & the MacBook Pro are the places I've spent time today. & I love every single one of them.

Any day with Chick-Fil-A is a day I love.

&, in case you were wondering about the post title, it's because of this song, which I've been listening to one repeat for days.


Pink skies

I love sunsets. Like, a lot.

Tonight's was amazing. Pink clouds are probably one of my favorite things in the world. They're so beautiful.



The proposal

Today included exploring the eighth floor of a hotel & the big question: will you be my junior editor?



Today consisted of glass art, Chick-Fil-A, & Olive Garden.

& napkin folding. It was great fun.



I think everything is hilarious. Like, e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Here's a couple things that have made me laugh the last few days, aside from my dog.

p.s.- this may or may not be post because I took no good pictures today. Welp.


Big Cedar Lodge

A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to stay at Big Cedar Lodge,  a resort ten miles south of Branson, Missouri. It was probably the most beautiful place I've ever been. I miss it. <3