
Right Now: College

Right now, I can only anticipate what these next four months, the four months before my life changes forever and I enter my college years, will hold.
Right now, I will continue to look at this picture, the one that hangs above my desk and occupies the background on my phone, waiting for the day that I get to see it with my own eyes.
Right now, I will continue to make a list of things to do before I leave, the things that have to get done before I can have peace of mind.
Right now, I will continue to study the campus map, even though I have it memorized.
Right now, I will continue to use the 3D map on my phone to explore the streets of downtown Chicago.
Right now, I will continue to read this blog to get a feel for the student life.

Right now, I will try to not cry at the thought of leaving my family members for months at a time, because I still have them right beside me.
Right now, I will try to not want time to fast forward, because I have this time to prepare for a reason.
Right now, I will try to not ignore school work, because it (somehow) is possible to learn something in the last seven weeks of high school.

These next four months are going to fly by. My time to leave and move on to this next part of my life is coming (SOON!) and I have a lot of mixed feelings.



Yesterday I received my acceptance letter to study at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago this fall. I don't think I will ever get over the shock of this. I was not expecting to get into the Chicago campus on my first try, but I did! That being said, in about four months I will make my way 900+ miles away from the only home I have ever known to study the Word + communications at this amazing school.

Ecstatic to finally know where God has me going? DEFINITELY. Ecstatic to be leaving my family I so dearly love? Definitely NOT. It will be extraordinarily difficult, but I know that if God could get me into this school, He will get me through it.

Dear Rachel, We are delighted to inform you that your application for enrollment at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago has been approved for the fall semester of 2013. <--- the sentence I have to keep reading in case I misread it or the wording has changed.